Horoscope of Russia · Russia's natal chart
Russia - 1991
The current chart for Russia is set for December 25, 1991, at 5:19:40 pm GMT or (other source) 5:25 pm GMT (flag up), in MoscowRussian Revolution
Storming of the Winter Palace
This is the chart that stands for the USSR:
November 8 1917, 2:12 am LMT, St.Petersburg/Petrograd (20e15, 59n55)Events and dates
- September 5, 1991, the USSR was abolished
- Dec 8, 1991, 5:45 pm GMT - Minsk agreement - Minsk (37e35, 55n45)
- 1999 - bombing of in two housing blocks
- March 26, 2000 - Presidential election won by Vladimir Putin
- August 12, 2000 - Kursk submarine went down
- October 23, 2002 - Moscow theatre siege, take of hostages by Chechen gunmen
- July 2003 - bomb at Moscow rock concert
- December 2003 - suicide bomber in central Moscow
- February 6, 2004 - suicide bomber in subway car
- March 14, 2004 - Vladimir Putin reelected
- August 24, 2004 - Two passenger planes crush at the same time
- September 1, 2004, 9:00 am - Beslan School siege
Vladimir Putin - October 7, 1952, 9.30 St Petersburg
Boris Eltzin - February 1, 1931, 4:11:48 pm R3T, Butka (63e47, 56n47)
USSR events
- 1921: Lenin introduces the New Economic Policy (NEP)
- 1928: Stalin introduces the First Five Year Plan.
- 1939: The Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact.
- 1942: The Battle of Stalingrad
- 1956: Khruschev denounces Stalin at the 20th Party Congress.
- 1962: Cuban Missile Crisis.
- 1968: Invasion of Czechoslovakia
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